Blue is unique in the history of human color development. We like blue, which is independent of gender, nationality and race, and it comes from nature and is close to life.

Now you will think that blue and green are different colors. However, before “blue” appeared, in some cultures, they were regarded as the same color.

In some other parts of the world, blue doesn’t exist, and Homer’s Odyssey doesn’t mention it anywhere, but there are hundreds of places that mention black, white and other dim colors. When describing the sea, the word “blue” didn’t appear in English until the 11th century. Although the color name of blue appeared late, compared with other colors, blue is more popular and is the favorite color of most men and women.

Blue, matched with earth tone and gold, contrasts the color with sky blue and gold.

The optimistic ocean palette and bold pastels give the palette a retro feeling, making it a good match to promote retro brands or poster designs.

The background art in Dior 2023-2024 autumn and winter show shows the gentle, strong and independent temperament of women with strong blue tones, and the overall blue atmosphere makes people immersed in it.

The strong blue color has a gorgeous and rich temperament, especially with metallic color, which brings a sense of luxury.

In a “cognitive matching survey of keywords and hues” conducted by the Color Research Institute, it was found that most people would choose blue to match “sense of science and technology”.

Transparent, matte-textured mixed-tone blue, with a product with texture and modernity.

In modern interior design, a large area of white is the keynote and blue is the ornament color of interior design, which reduces the dullness and monotony of interior space.